Thursday, 9 June 2016

Parma photos

Looking beneath a house down a laneway.

Another square, another church and tower. This used to be a monastery I believe.

North African refugees - seen anywhere there are tourists and no police. They disappear the moment police arrive. They sell hats, sun glasses, and all sorts of the usual tourist junk made in China. Or beg for cigarettes and money.

Another laneway, Simon wanted us to drive down. He's getting very naughty with some of his directions!

Drawings by Caraveggio. Done so well they initially look like 3D carvings. Brilliant!

Opera House in Parma. Has Art Museum at the back of it.

Original timber door from 12th C.

Supporting column carvings. Each of the four sides has a different story, all of Biblical scenes.

Done by a local painter in 13th C

Screen - all done in timber with painted scenes

Originally a Roman built bridge and rebuilt in 15th C

Open air markets. Rooster carved while we watched from a couple of sticks.

Child painting the rooster.

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